What I learned so far: The power of social networking

Posted by rowee1 on October 27, 2019 in Uncategorized |

Over the last 8 weeks, I have become an active member on Twitter. Throughout my time spent on the app, I have been able to witness first hand the power of social networking. Many educators use social media to connect with other educators to share ideas, inspiration, opinions, news, and for personal gain. The inspiration […]


This week, I watched a foreign film called: Pihu

Posted by rowee1 on October 21, 2019 in Uncategorized |

Good afternoon all. It has been a while since I last posted! This week I watched a foreign film called Pihu. It is a 2018 film based in India. It can be found on Netflix by searching: “Pihu”. It is from the perspective of a two year old girl whose mom died from suicide, and […]


Twitter: The good, the bad, and the ugly

Posted by rowee1 on October 14, 2019 in Uncategorized |

Hello all. Recently, I created a professional Twitter account. I had used Twitter in the past, but hadn’t owned my own personal account in about five years. To tell you the truth? Twitter still does not particularly interest me. I love pictures, and I love that Instagram is picture based, but Twitter is not. Twitter […]

Do you know how to live sustainably? Most of us do, but choose not to.

Posted by rowee1 on October 6, 2019 in Uncategorized |

According to Google, sustainability is defined as: “the capacity for the biosphere and human civilization to co-exist”. There are three aspects of sustainability that can be agreed upon by leaders around the world: social, environmental, and economic. Currently, the main focus is on social and environmental aspects. If you didn’t already know, the world is […]

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