This week, I watched a foreign film called: Pihu

Posted by rowee1 on October 21, 2019 in Uncategorized |

Good afternoon all. It has been a while since I last posted! This week I watched a foreign film called Pihu. It is a 2018 film based in India.

It can be found on Netflix by searching: “Pihu”. It is from the perspective of a two year old girl whose mom died from suicide, and her dad left on a business trip. Because of this, she was left alone for several days and had to fend for herself.

Image result for pihu

How was this film different than any other American film?

Well, it wasn’t that different. The apartment the family lived in was very similar, if not identical to an American one. It was large and had two stories (which might be the only difference, as most apartment buildings in America have only one floor apartments). Cleaning products looked different. For example, a bleach bottle looked like a milk jug. The girl tried to drink it, but she couldn’t get it open. The TV channels were obviously not American as well.

The movie takes place mainly in an apartment. Because of this, it was hard to gauge a lot of the cultural differences. For one, Pihu and her family wear beautiful traditional dresses. Typically, Americans wear just a t-shirt and jeans around the house.

Pihu eats birthday cake, heats pita bread, and makes grilled cheese and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. This is typical to what Americans eat, especially children.

The birthday party is like any other birthday party for a child, and the weather was sunny. The father travels by plane, and they have almost identical things in their apartment that we have in America. The landscape is city-like.

All in all, Pihu is similar to an American film. A different language is spoken, but most things are very similar to America. I would recommend this movie. It was interesting to see things from a child’s perspective.

1 Comment

  • caporric says:

    I have never heard of this film, but I will definitely check it out! It was interesting to read just how similar this movie is to American film, although it takes place in India, especially the part where you wrote about what Pihu eats. How long of a film was this to watch?

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