What I learned so far: The power of social networking

Posted by rowee1 on October 27, 2019 in Uncategorized |

Over the last 8 weeks, I have become an active member on Twitter. Throughout my time spent on the app, I have been able to witness first hand the power of social networking.

Many educators use social media to connect with other educators to share ideas, inspiration, opinions, news, and for personal gain. The inspiration ranges from classroom ideas, activities, and learning and teaching techniques. News ranges from education articles, psychology, and among other things.

Educators connect from all ends of the globe. This has only been made possible and normalized within the last ten-fifteen years. Before then, letters and phone calls were often the only means of communication between classrooms.

Valuable information can be found from educators from all around the world. Check out this video about why teachers should use Twitter:

I have been able to watch relationships form between educators who are connected by one thing: the love of learning. I have been able to make my own relationships with educators as well, and hope to make even more connections through time!

All in all, Twitter is definitely something to check out if you are interested in expanding your personal learning network!

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