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Visualizing Health

On the interactive infographic, I found that I have less than a 5% chance of developing heart disease within the coming years. Not only was I fully engaged during my time of inputting all the information, but that same attention carried over into reading the results.

The idea of creating an interactive infographic was incredible! The biggest problem with most static information is establishing the connection and sparking the interest from the author to the reader. By allowing for a dynamic source of information to vary based on the results inputted into it, it allows for the reader’s to stay focused longer and absorb information better!

Not only was the user experience informative and interactive, the infographics themselves would change depending on the information submitted to it, allowing the user to see where they stand against the numbers. While this exact website may only be used for medical purposes, the idea of turning an infographic, into a dynamic piece of information, is a monumental step in the way that information can be disseminated through it.

Additionally, the website allows users to create their own graphics to display information, such as survey counts and icon arrays. The following example is my own:

While it may be very rudimentary, the point of it remains the same. By allowing this information to be created by anyone, and still be accessible for everyone, it can help to usher in a new wave of how information can be disseminated! However, the potential for false information to be spread through this infographics still exist, so it is important to always conduct research or fact-check on whatever it may be that you have read!

How to make ‘How-to’ Infographics!

Infographics are incredibly useful tools for disseminating information. Whether you are trying to visualize statistical information, creating a fact-orientated infographic, or something geographical (such as a map), an infographic can be made to cater to your needs!

In my infographic, I will be demonstrating how you can make an infographic to visualize a set of instructions to be used for day-to-day processes, such as making a cup of coffee!

This simplistic, yet artistic infographic, it clearly demonstrates the step-by-step process that goes into making a cup of coffee. By using eye-grabbing colors, the artist can maintain the reader’s attention on the infographic, helping the reader to understand their point better.

https://www.dreamstime.com/how-to-make-coffee-infographic-instructions-steps-advises-doodle-hand-drawn-cup-spoon-pot-water-piece-cake-sugar-image140210791: How to make ‘How-to’ Infographics!

This form of infographic relies more on the visual effect appealing to the reader, in order to get the author’s/artist’s point across. This infographic is more informative about what measures should be in place when making a cup of coffee. This is slightly different compared to the last one, where you only get the basic amount of information, but it takes you each step to making the final product. Whereas this infographic, assumes you know how to make a cup of coffee, and gives rules on how to hone the final product.


There are various different ways to present an infographic, but the purpose of being created to further inform remains the same!