Overall, this presentation was highly informative. The goal of educating people about the total amount of energy being used in the United States through different types of visualizations is very effective. I learned about the different types of energy Americans use every year, how much is wasted, and what types of energy go towards what.

This screenshot above shows that 59.4 out of 98.3 quadrillion btu in 2014 was considered unused energy. That’s over 60% of our total energy. This screenshot also shows the main contributors to our energy supply in the United States with Oil being the number one contributor and natural gas and coal falling not too far behind. The oil used as useful energy primarily is used to power our transportation systems, such as cars, planes, and trains, and then the rest goes into the industrial industry such as factories. The chart also shows which type of energy is used the most with industrial energy having a significant lead over residential, commercial, and transportation.
Overall, I think the biggest thing I learned from this interactive chart is how much energy we waste in the United States. I always knew most countries were not as efficient as possible when using energy, but I never would guess over 60% of generated energy goes unused every year.