Not only does driving an electric car decrease your carbon footprint, you also save a bunch of money! But exactly how much money should you expect to save? It’s about half as expensive based on cost to travel per mile according to my source.
EV Cost Savings

As seen in the image above, the cost to travel approximately 506 miles for a gas powered vehicle, in this case the Toyota Camry, is about $56.41. For the electric powered Chevrolet bolt, the cost to travel is $29.46. This is about $26.95 in savings. This means that you are almost able to drive 1000 miles with the same cost as the Camry’s $56.41 for one tank. This money adds up to a noticeable difference. The yearly fill up cost on average for the gas powered vehicle is approximately $1,590, whereas the electric is at a frugal $830. This saving is $760! Based on my calculations this is about a 47% savings per year when switching to electric vehicles. This is solely based off of traveling costs, so this excludes oil changes, other maintenance of gas powered vehicles that electric vehicles do not have. Overall, the savings from driving an EV car are significant.
While EVs certainly cost less year to fill up, do you think if everyone switched to EV cars we would have enough EVs in production to fulfill the demand of car buyers?