We can use Pie Charts in a variety of ways, and they are one of the most common visual representations of data. The pie chart, according to storytellingwithdata, can display a part-to-whole relationship, in which each slice represents one component of the whole, and all slices taken together equal the whole.
When To Use A Pie Chart
There are two primary uses for a pie chart in this situation:
- An understanding of the whole-part relationship in your data
- A relatively small or large segment of the pie is being represented
When To Not Use A Pie Chart
When analyzing categories, and comparing data across pies, Pie Charts should not be considered.
Share of Children in Primary School Who are in School Pie

I compared the percent of children who attend primary school in four countries using data from ourworldindata: Afghanistan, Belgium, the United Stated, and Africa. It is clear from the chart that the Belgium had the highest percentage of children attending school, with 98.80%, and Afghanistan had the lowest, with 26.80%. It was very interesting to see this visual because even without the numbers and simply displaying the names of the countries you can see how Afghanistan’s share of the pie is much smaller than the other countries.