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Comparing Numbers

Statista is perhaps well known to many people including myself as I have used their website a few times. Statista offer wide range of useful data visualizations regarding some available topics and include detail explanations.

Netflix is a great choice to use because when someone such as myself think of Netflix I think it would be a massive platform available worldwide and it is. The number of users in Netflix is incredible but it does not mean that Netflix is at all the number one choice in all countries perhaps due to strong regional competitors or availability of content in that region. As we can see on the infographic, Netflix is well known to many American but Netflix is not the strongest in the market, only one-fifth of the entire market. As I stated above, this is possibly due to strong region competitors such as Disney+, Hulu, HBO, and many on the rise such as Apple TV+. The most surprising fact included in the picture is India. Netflix only took up 3% of the entire market. I have not deep dive into India’s streaming market to fully understand what Netflix is competing in the region. Moreover, as the infographic only include a few notable countries from each continents, some region I would want to see more such as China or Russia. Despite them label all major streaming providers included, it is unsure whether China or Russia does not provide any data or that Netflix dominated in their markets. It is the censorship in China and whether the sanction by the United States effect the availability of Netflix in those two regions.

Statista offers more information regarding Netflix about financials, number of employees, etc… can be found here. This particular infographic can also be found here.

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