It is true that Sankey Visualizations is an educational site (.edu), which usually indicates that the sources and information are reliable. Despite the interactive visual being well-designed, it contains a great deal of information meaning that while it may be visually appealing, it also contains a lot of text and is difficult to follow if you do not have prior knowledge of the situation.

The Transportation tab, as well as all the other tabs that lead to more information, are heavy on wording and low on visuals in my opinion, which makes it difficult to access reliable information. Using less words and more visuals to simplify this information might be the best soultion. Perhaps taking How We Use Energy and creating an infographic with subtitles such as Transportation, Industry, and Home & Work and discussing the information in less detail and more graphs and data would be a better approach.

This visual contains less graphs and more words which makes it boring and visually unappealing to read all of that information just to get to what it’s trying to explain. By redesigning this information with additional aesthetics, such as graphs, charts, picures, and data, it will become more engaging to read and interact with. I feel that I’m doing something that requires extensive research and is more of an article format. It would be more appealing if it included the following listed above and some infographics or pictographs to give more of an appeal than all the wording since it makes it difficult to be able to sift through all of that information.