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Using Icon Array – Vizhealth

Vizhealth’s website for me is a great website that provide information about creating image or visualization in medical field, hence the name Vizhealth. Overall, this site helps newcomers with a few examples of how appealing infographics can be while providing crucial information such as the ‘Risk Calculator’ also provided on the website. While it is helpful as to display medical data on an image, the use of infographic does not limit to one field. Vizhealth is a great first step to learn and then develop your own image for your own topic.

While Vizhealth is about display medical data on an image. I found that their ‘Icon Array Generator’ can be use for unrelated field. This icon array I created is about the market share of worldwide operating system. While ‘market share’ perhaps does not equal to ‘phone usage’ but I thought this could be a fun demonstration. The image sure helps to generalize the idea around the market share topic despite the data provided is so large.

I also include the news article for this topic here.

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