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Using the Vizhealth website has been quite interesting. The interactive website allows for you to calculate how at risk you are to cardiovascular disease. It uses interactive aspects with the ‘risk calculator’ to showcase how likely you are to develop this disease. Based on inputs, it showcases a visualization to showcase how at risk you are. This visual is very successful in all cases. It uses large numbers to showcase important data points within your results. I feel like it’s a really cool way to display really important medical information!

I found using the ‘Icon Array’ feature to be very simple to use. I found it as a quick and effective way to display data. I enjoyed how easy it was to use and edit. I used he example of pregnancy while using birth control. Although it is something that is unlikely, it still highlights the chance of possibility.


  1. I think this is really important information that you highlighted using the “Icon Array” feature. The bright color purple was also smart to use because it contrasts the gray so well and almost guarantees everyone to stop and look at it. Birth control alone is something that everybody thinks of as their savior and ultimate protection. However, as shown in the chart, it is not always guaranteed to work, and some people do still get pregnant. I think that a really good comparison to go along with this data would be “How many people out of 100 think they cannot get pregnant on birth control”. Having this data in the same icon array as the 7/100 people getting pregnant would be more impactful and educational because it shows that we need to do more educating. Overall, however, I still think this was a great way to use the Icon Array and display data.

  2. Hello, I like how you are showcasing visualizations of pregnancy on birth control. This is a great use of this infographic. My only question is what number of women are on birth control. My only suggestion would be to add that number to this graph.

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