As someone taking an accounting course. I’ve used pivot tables before because they’re an easy way to summarize large amounts of data so they’re easier to read. The table categorizes the information and summarizes the results. This item is an important feature that helps in business as it can show if a product is worth making or which department is making how much revenue. This visual is more of a table and lacks a visual.

Please see table above for example of Pivot Table. From reading this table, it talks about the four different reseller and their sales on fruit. Sally did well for the Month of September, but Mike sold more than Sally in the overall 3 months.

This table is showing the difference of laptops , Tv, and Projector sold in France, US, Canada and the United Kingdom. As the Pivot table shows the grand total and it is easier to read to know how many of each thing was sold, the amount and the Country.
Overall, Pivot Tables are able to read and a wonderful tool.