Tag: Webtools

  • VR vs. AR

    There are many different apps and programs that now incorporate VR and AR programs for example and many more as well AR and VR can really help advance a classroom, because of all the new technology that it is being created in today’s time. AR and VR can bring the classrooms together globally because you…

  • Merge Cube

    Using augmented reality (AR) in the classroom can enhance learning by assisting teachers in setting up engaging, interactive learning environments. Businesses can improve inefficiencies and solve problems by integrating AR components into routine work procedures (Maryville U). What is Merge Cube? Students can use the cube in conjunction with the Merge Explorer, Object Viewer, or…

  • VR in the CR!

    Virtual reality (VR) has been gaining popularity in recent years as an innovative and engaging tool for teaching and learning. With the increasing accessibility of VR technology, it has become easier to incorporate it into classrooms, making education more interactive, immersive, and effective. That being said, it is time to explore the benefits of using…

  • VR in Education

    Virtual reality (VR) has an opportunity to change how we educate and learn. Virtual reality (VR) can improve traditional methods of teaching and give students an exciting and  enjoyable educational experience through the introduction of simulations, visualization, customization, collaboration, and engagement. We can anticipate seeing even more creative ways to use VR in teaching as…

  • Enhance VR

    I owned an Oculus Go and experienced VR when it first came out, but there wasn’t much content available at that time. However, after learning about Enhance VR, I am pleasantly surprised by the wide variety of games now available. Enhance VR offers a diverse range of games, including shooting games, order making games, memory…

  • Future Classroom

    AS technology is advancing and students ar becoming more comfortable with the ways of technology, Teaching will become more virtually expanded. As I was looking through the website https://weschools.we.org/we-well-being, there were many things being offered. In my future classroom, technology will help students advance their learning, and communicate globally with other students across the world.…

  • WE Embrace Anti-Racism

    I explored WE’s website and found their We Embrace Anti-Racism resource. It is a campaign to tackle on racism and is split into three sections: Teaching children the history and significance of racism will create a stronger and better world for our future generation. Children often hear what their guardians and other figures in their…

  • WE.org and their Video Library

    In the age of digital technology, it is important for educators to embrace new methods of teaching and learning. It is difficult to do this when you are lacking the necessary resources. This is why We.org was designed to provide educators with said resources. One of the resources that We.org provides that I’d like to…

  • WE Trauma- Informed Practice

    The WE Teachers project helps teachers develop their abilities and give students more control over their education. The project creates connections with a group of educators who have similar objectives without charging any fees. It gives users access to training opportunities, professional development opportunities, and plenty of resources that help educators promote active and engaged…

  • JAWS

    Jaws is a screenreader that allows people with visual impairments. It gives them a better chance to learn the material in the classroom This is under Stockton Accessibility that’s available on Campus. Stockton offers much more of these accommodations, which is very beneficial for all college students. They also offer things like Sonocet and Zoomtext…

  • Accessing Accessibility in Your Classroom

    Education is a fundamental right of every individual, and every student deserves equal access to the tools and resources that enable them to learn effectively. Even in this day and age, students with accessibility needs face numerous challenges in accessing and comprehending the content presented to them. Fortunately, technology has made significant strides in recent…

  • Top 7 Accessibility Tools

    There are many tools that are accessible for students that make their learning experience a little less stressful. This blog will consist of the seven top accessibility tools that I believe are the most helpful in the classroom. Each tools mentioned will include a brief description and their most beneficial aspects. These tools an essential…

  • 7 Best Accessibility Tools

    With technology rapidly advancing, it’s best to know what tools will help students succeed. After looking into many tools, here are my top 7: Google Jamboard Google Jamboard is a collaborate whiteboard. You can work in real time with whomever you share it with. It allows you to work with anyone at any time anywhere.…

  • Accessibility Toolbox

    Accessible resources are a wonderful fundamental strategy because they tend to be easier for kids of all ages to comprehend and absorb information. All students in your course will benefit from having accessible materials since it gives them equal access to the course’s resources and educational opportunities. Examples of these tools will be listed below!…

  • Exploring Hyperdocs

    Hyperdocs is an interactive, collaborative, and self-paced way of learning. Google Docs and Google Slides are an example of Hyperdocs. Students are able to interact on the slides or docs together. They can make changes and it will update in real time. Using Hyperdocs improves the classroom. It takes away the traditional pen and paper…

  • Exploring a Filmmaking Hyperdoc

    As the digital age continues to evolve, education is also changing to keep up with the times. Hyperdocs are a relatively new teaching tool that many teachers are using to create interactive and engaging lessons for their students. Personally, I am a big film-buff. That is why, for this blog post, I will be exploring…

  • Hyperdocs: A Reflection on Detention or Eco-Club- Choosing Your Future

    With each successive generation, technology has exponentially developed. Technology and its progression have been of splendor and wishful thinking. The physicist Freeman Dyson stated, “Technology is a gift of God. After the gift of life, it is perhaps the greatest of God’s gifts.” However, the unintended intrusive consequences of technology have been tremendous for each…

  • Hyperdocs- Google Docs

    As a teacher do you think that the students aren’t involved enough during class? Well a Hyperdoc can help you with that. There are many different ways to make you class involved more especially with technology. The main one that I am going to focus on is google docs. Google docs is a very basic…

  • Virtual Field Trips

    Virtual field trips have become a phenomenon amongst classrooms all over the world. Distance learning has become more common and developed over time. Through the use of technology being incorporated in the classroom, these advancements allow students to experience out of the classroom experiences, from inside the class. Through numerous sites and trips, there is…

  • Exploring the Mysteries of Easter Island

    14 tons. That is the weight of approximately two Tyrannosaurus Rex’s, or 8 normal sized cars. That is pretty heavy! Fourteen tons is also the approximate weight of just ONE out of the 1,043 heads on Easter Island (not to mention, one of the heads on the smaller side). This phenomenon has always intrigued me,…

  • Virtual Tours, Real Life Connections

    Today I woke up, made myself breakfast, and visited the Smithsonian National Zoo and Conservation Biology Insitute, all without leaving my couch. What a morning! The National Zoo has six live cams that feature an inside look at their animals and the link to their website can be accessed here. As I started my day,…