Tag: #collaboration

  • Holoportation: What is it?

    Holoportation is a new 3D capture technology that reconstructs high-quality 3D character models, compresses them, and sends them to anywhere in the world in a timely manner. The technology, when combined with integrated devices such as HoloLens, allows users to see, hear and interact with distant participants in 3D as if they were seen in…

  • VR in the CR!

    Virtual reality (VR) has been gaining popularity in recent years as an innovative and engaging tool for teaching and learning. With the increasing accessibility of VR technology, it has become easier to incorporate it into classrooms, making education more interactive, immersive, and effective. That being said, it is time to explore the benefits of using…

  • VR in Education

    Virtual reality (VR) has an opportunity to change how we educate and learn. Virtual reality (VR) can improve traditional methods of teaching and give students an exciting and  enjoyable educational experience through the introduction of simulations, visualization, customization, collaboration, and engagement. We can anticipate seeing even more creative ways to use VR in teaching as…

  • VR, AR, and education

    There are so many ways to learn in new ways in today’s world As time goes on, the world continues to advance. Many years ago the way to learn was very limited. Some of these limitations included handwritten notes and having to go to the library to physically get information. While these are still strategies…

  • Future Classroom

    AS technology is advancing and students ar becoming more comfortable with the ways of technology, Teaching will become more virtually expanded. As I was looking through the website https://weschools.we.org/we-well-being, there were many things being offered. In my future classroom, technology will help students advance their learning, and communicate globally with other students across the world.…

  • WE.org and their Video Library

    In the age of digital technology, it is important for educators to embrace new methods of teaching and learning. It is difficult to do this when you are lacking the necessary resources. This is why We.org was designed to provide educators with said resources. One of the resources that We.org provides that I’d like to…

  • Anti-Racism with WE

    Reflecting on actions can be a huge game changer There are many resources that can be used to improve the classroom environment as a whole from We.Org. The one resource that stood out to me the most from the beginning was the “We Embrace Anti-Racism” resource. I thought that we had made progress with the…

  • The Learning Access Program at Stockton and its Accessibility Tools

    Stockton has several tools that students can access to help support them in their education. Among these tools are software elements that take digital education to a new level Rocketbook Beacons-Beacons allow for crisp visualizations of the diagrams that teachers create on the board. Many of these useful diagrams go to waste because they have…

  • JAWS

    Jaws is a screenreader that allows people with visual impairments. It gives them a better chance to learn the material in the classroom This is under Stockton Accessibility that’s available on Campus. Stockton offers much more of these accommodations, which is very beneficial for all college students. They also offer things like Sonocet and Zoomtext…

  • Accessibility Tools For Students!

    After doing some research, I have found what I believe to be the most helpful accessibility tools for the classroom. For this blog article, I will discuss each of them briefly and their most beneficial trait. Having tools such as these in an educational setting is essential. I found tools that will help students with…

  • Exploring a Filmmaking Hyperdoc

    As the digital age continues to evolve, education is also changing to keep up with the times. Hyperdocs are a relatively new teaching tool that many teachers are using to create interactive and engaging lessons for their students. Personally, I am a big film-buff. That is why, for this blog post, I will be exploring…

  • Hyperdocs: A Reflection on Detention or Eco-Club- Choosing Your Future

    With each successive generation, technology has exponentially developed. Technology and its progression have been of splendor and wishful thinking. The physicist Freeman Dyson stated, “Technology is a gift of God. After the gift of life, it is perhaps the greatest of God’s gifts.” However, the unintended intrusive consequences of technology have been tremendous for each…

  • Hyperdocs: What are they, and how do they help us?

    A HyperDoc is an interactive digital document that enables students to learn independently. To list a few things you can perform with HyperDoc in your future classrooms, many teachers utilize it for reading articles, watching movies, and completing quizzes or assignments. While they are typically made with Google Docs, Google Slides, Microsoft Word, or Powerpoint…

  • Hyperdocs- Google Docs

    As a teacher do you think that the students aren’t involved enough during class? Well a Hyperdoc can help you with that. There are many different ways to make you class involved more especially with technology. The main one that I am going to focus on is google docs. Google docs is a very basic…

  • FlipGrid

    FlipGrid is one of the most interactive ways to communicate in classroom settings. The chapter we read this week in the online textbook “Sail the 7 c’s With Microsoft Education” talks about the ways classrooms can communicate globally. FlipGrid was one of the ones that stood out to me because I am so familiar with…

  • Communication Has Improved In Various Ways!

    Technology has improved communication and brought new forms of communication! Communication is key in everyday life. It’s a skill that is needed to be learned by everyone. It is most effective when it is learned by someone at a young age because they have more time to experience it. Technology has brought a new experience…

  • Empatico

    This is a free way to communicate globally with pen pals virtually, it focuses on ages 7-11 to spread kindness and empathy through collaboration. They offer many different programs and each program is customizable for every classroom. It can be customized with however the educator or student wants This website is all about how to…

  • Collaborating Within the Classroom

    By: Vanessa Mason As a future educator I knowI would need to prepare my students for the real world. This is based off of how they think swell as their communication skills and how they express themselves within the classroom. Its really important for children to collaborate and communicate with each other especially as they…

  • Creating Crucial Collaboration in the Classroom

    As educators, it is important to create an engaging and productive learning environment for the students in the our classrooms. The easiest way to do so is by promoting collaboration. Collaboration helps students develop vital skills such as communication, teamwork, leadership, and problem-solving. All of which are crucial for academic success, as well as positive…

  • Collaboration In Learning

    An Article recently described collaborative learning as “the educational approach of using groups to enhance learning through working together. Groups of two or more learners work together to solve problems, complete tasks, or learn new concepts.” Collaborative learning is a great approach to connect different ideas and perspectives in the cassroom amongst students. Using a…

  • Microsoft Learn!

    I found an article that discusses the next innovation from Microsoft to help promote collaboration and to benefit learners of different skills. This article introduces readers to Microsoft Learn, a new platform that allows learners to begin at their own skill level in their field of choice while allowing access to collaborate with other members…