Tag: virtual fieldtrip

  • My Virtual Experience in France

    By: Kiera Deschin For my virtual experience field trip, I chose to visit London, England. I chose to explore London because it has always been a place my sister and I have been dreaming to go to. I also have the possibility of going to London this summer because my boyfriend just got a contract…

  • My Virtual Field Trip To The 9/11 Tribute Museum

    By Amanda Connelly For my virtual field trip, I decided to go to The 9/11 Tribute Museum. The 9/11 Tribute Museum is located in New York City, where the Twin Towers were crashed into and knocked down by terrorist on September 11, 2001. The Museum, formerly known as the 9/11 Tribute Center, was created by…

  • The San Diego Zoo Live Cams

    By: Alex Sellitsch For this weeks virtual field trip, I decided to pack my bags and fly to San Diego, CA (but not really). I was able to get comfy in my bed without the hassle of traveling, and watch from home the animals that live in the San Diego Zoo. There were a lot…