Category: Uncategorized

  • Exploring Accessibility Tools

    Google Calendar- This tool is used to create schedules and upcoming events all in one place. This allows the user to stay organized by seeing all future events with ease. This is a great tool to help anyone ensure they are completing all of their responsibilities and requirements. Closed Captioning on Google Slides- This tool…

  • 7 Accessibility Tools For Your Classroom

    #1. EasyReader EasyReader is an app offered by Stockton that helps individuals who are blind or dyslexic. This app has thousands of books and the capability to copy and paste outside text, as well as read newspapers. The app reads the words for you as they are highlighted. Perfect for those students who have trouble…

  • Accessibility Tools

    Microsoft Translator: This tool provides the opportunity for easy translation. This provides the opportunity to communicate efficiently in real time with others who speak a different language. Within a classroom environment this can be use for teachers to communicate with both students and parents. Speechify: This tool provides users the opportunity to create an audio…

  • All About Accessibility Tools in the Classroom

    By Alex Sellitsch I am a frequent user of all things Google, so I put together a list of accessibility tools that I found to have helped me on a few occasions. Google Translate: This amazing feature will help you translate into another language. It has helped me speak to Spanish speaking individuals at my…

  • Seven Helpful Tools

    The seven helpful tools I think that are most useful for students and even teachers are Google Classroom, Google Slides,Gmail and Google Docs, also Zoom and Google Forms and Google Groups. I use these throughout school, high school and college and even teaching these are really helpful. I really like these tools. I use them…

  • Accessibility Tools for the Classroom

    Tool 1: Turn Off the Lights. Turn Off the Lights is an educational accessibility tool that is helpful for students who struggle with keeping their attention. What this tool does is fade student’s screens while they watch videos, to prevent them from becoming distracted by the ads and other videos that pop up on the…

  • HyperDoc Lesson Plan

    Sheila Godfrey I found a link that contains different types of HyperDoc templates that you can customize. For example, there is a HyperDoc lesson plan template. To use this template, start by making a copy, and then follow the notes so you know when and where to add videos, links, and instructions. The first box…

  • Accessibility Tools

    FM Systems: FM systems are devices that the teacher wears to broadcast their voice to students who have a hearing impairment or complete loss. This is helpful because it can be transmitted directly to a hearing aid and it does not require a direct connection. A professor that I had last year used a similar…

  • Blog Post 8:Accessibility

    Accessibility is important to the point of making sure that every student is able to take part within the classroom. When it comes to accessibility it means making sure that text is easy to read for students who aren’t the strongest readers, providing closed captions and speech-to-text so that ESL learners have the same opportunities…

  • Accessibility Tools

    What are accessibility tools? Accessibility tools are tools that help make education much easier and manageable for those with accessibility needs. Within this blog, I am going to discuss some of my favorite accessibility tools that I find to be most helpful. The first accessibility tool that I found to be most helpful would be…