Accessibility Tools

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Microsoft Translator: This tool provides the opportunity for easy translation. This provides the opportunity to communicate efficiently in real time with others who speak a different language. Within a classroom environment this can be use for teachers to communicate with both students and parents.

Speechify: This tool provides users the opportunity to create an audio book out of any given text. This is useful for any person that may have difficulties when focusing on larger passages or even retains information better when it is verbal rather than in a text format.

Notability: This tool assists users within note taking, annotating documents and even sketching out ideas. It is a easy use for anyone that benefits from marking up their readings and sketching out plans for future work. Overall, it is beneficial to users for its main purpose in making work more efficient.

WritePad: This note taking tool transforms handwritten notes into digital text. This is useful for any student or person who prefers to handwrite work rather then type however, needs to hand in a digital copy for school/work. This tool provides an easy way for people to work how they prefer and still meet the needs of others.

Zoom Me: This application is a desktop magnifier to help assist reader that have any visual impairments. Its easy to use magnifier helps the reader focus on the given text in a larger format while also singling out the section that they are on.

Google Calendar: This tool provides users with a easy way to stay organized by forming schedules and preparing for future events. Having a schedule and staying organized is crucial when it comes to getting work done on time. I use this tool myself for school and it has benefitted me greatly.

Zoom: This tool provides users a way to collaborate and work with classmates, co-workers and communicate with friends and family. Through its video chat setting users are able to share their screen and work alongside others through the use of technology. I have used this tool plenty of times and find it to be easy to navigate and efficient.

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