
This was actually a pretty resourceful site. This changemakers and WE webtools curriculum and video’s are great reinforcements for the majority of my semesters away from this class. I looking into mindfulness and how to create a nurturing environment for your students. This is something I really plan to execute within my future class not only in how i plan to carry myself but also within the walls of my class through a caring corner. Having a safe space allows for students to decompress or remove themselves from a negative situation. As I learned in other classes with the Maslow Hierarchy of needs a students ability to learn will be overcome unless the basic needs are met. This paired with the iceberg theory of education stating that much is going on below the surface with your students have an empathetic mind and safe space is critical to there learning experience. Some of the information was a bit rudimentary but to have a resource available after school is done and you are no longer fresh is certainly something worth accessing.


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