Google Cardboard in the Classroom

During this semester, I have learned a lot about how to incorporate Global Collaborations in the classroom using VR and AI, which is something I never thought about including in my classroom until now. I specifically decided to look into Google Cardboard. Google Cardboard is a handmade VR headset to play games or use apps from a cellphone. Using it could place you anywhere in the world that you want to see, using Google Maps Virtual Tours. You can purchase your own Google Cardboard online for around $8-$30.

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I think this could be a great interactive experience for my students to explore different parts of the world, all while in the classroom. While researching this, I found an article on different ways to incorporate this in the classroom. Students could explore different countries, go on adventures, learn from 3D experiences, and watch 360-degree videos. I would love to incorporate this in my classroom since this could be fun and enjoyable for my students.

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