Assessment Resources for Literature Programs

Below is a sample of assessment resources for college undergraduate literature classes and programs.

From this research and from discussion with my colleagues, my understanding of assessment for undergraduate literature programs/classes is as follows:

Step 1: Establish/Review/Revise learning outcomes (aka program goals and mission)

Step 2: Create a “curriculum map” that keys program and/or college learning outcomes to individual courses (samples below)

Step 3: Create an assessment plan with tools to measure student progress in the learning outcomes; the plan may take a narrative form and/or be keyed to standard matrix. Generally the matrix has a vertical column listing the program’s learning outcomes and a horizontal column listing the related assessment activities/methods; assessment outcomes; and plan for continued assessment related to each learning outcome. For any given semester or academic year, the assessment plan usually isolates 1 or 2 learning outcomes for study over a set period of time.

Step 3 tools to measure student progress in literature courses often include:

  • portfolio assessment
  • pre/post content and/or writing tests
  • pre/post paper/writing sampling and evaluation with rubrics
  • student exam and/or paper archives from various core courses with assessment rubrics

Assessment of student learning may be in addition to or related to the assessment of other elements of a program (e.g., faculty retention, student retention and graduation rates, assessment of strategic goals, curriculum assessment, etc.).

Please let me know if there are resources you would suggest. Tweet me @drkj or email me: kristinjacobson at Stockton dot EDU.

Assessment Standards and Resources

Example Curriculum Maps:

Links to Literature Program and Department Assessment Resources:

Assessment Resources (fee based)

Stockton Literature Program’s Goals (learning outcomes):

Stockton College’s Essential Learning Outcomes:

adapting to change
communication skills
global awareness
creativity and innovation
critical thinking
ethical reasoning
information literacy and research skills
program competence
quantitative reasoning