Wellness Day

March 20, 2012 was Wellness Day, a day to promote health and wellness put on by the Wellness Center in the Campus Center!  Various events and vendors were present to promote health and wellness for students, faculty, and anyone else who wanted to come!

There were various ‘fun’ vendors to draw students, like jewelry, clothes, purses, etc. However, there were also some interesting places.  There was a place to try vitamin C to get students to get their vitamins and show them they weren’t to bad to eat either.  Another station showed how much sugar was in some drinks (which I’ll never drink a certain one ever again), and another even gave blood pressure readings.  Mine was a little low, and that’s when it finally hit me that I had forgotten breakfast.

There were healthy snacks to eat while there.  Fruit salad, grilled chicken, cucumber sandwiches, pita chips with salsa, and spinach dip with bread were some of the healthy snacks to eat while there.  Of course, however, there was more to it than food and vendors. What better way to sooth the soul and cheer you up than listening to some music?

One man played happy tunes on the piano.  I was asked by Gospel Choir to sing an uplifting solo, so I sand Lost Get Found, a song about being yourself, standing out, and helping others through showing your faith.  Then a few members of Gospel Choir, including myself, sang a selection of three songs, one of which I was fortunate enough to have another solo in. We sang Hallelujah Anyhow, a song about praising God even when times were rough, Peace Like A River, a song about having peace because we have God, and God is Great, a song about God’s wonderful love for us.  Being able to participate in this event by doing one of my favorite things, singing, was really a great experience!

I definitely learned a little bit from Wellness Day.  Some of it was a little gross, but it was very informative.  I do feel, however, that if this had been publicized to the students more (many I spoke to did not know it was happening but came to support Gospel Choir and myself), the turnout would have been even better!