Meet the Greeks

Back in September, I reluctantly attended the Meet the Greeks event along with a few other girls on my floor. I was hesitant to attend because I did not know much about Greek life in general or at Stockton specifically. I had, of course, heard many of the stereotypes surrounding members of Greek life but was interested in finding out for myself what it was about.
Upon arriving, there was a long line just to enter the campus center event room. I was surprised to see how many people attended. The room was packed with people, which made it hard to walk from one spot to another. There were also so many different tables to stop at that it was hard to tell which tables I would be interested in. It was easy to differentiate the sorority and fraternities members based on either their formal attire or matching shirts. I surprised to see that there were so many different sorority and fraternity organizations at Stockton. I had not previously realized that Greek life was so prominent on campus. I was glad to have a large variety of choices if I ever decided to become a part of Greek life on campus.
I soon realized that there did not appear to be enough members of each sorority to accommodate the large crowd that the event had attracted. There were long lines to talk to most of the sorority members, and it was hard to hear what they were saying once you finally had a chance. Due to the large crowd, there were often lines at different tables to talk to the sorority members. This did not leave a lot of time to spend at the different tables since there were many people waiting, which resulted in not getting a lot of information.
Despite these circumstances, I was still able to learn a lot about Greek life at Stockton. Most sororities had a large focus on community service, which is a large part of being in the honors program at Stockton. Meet the Greeks definitely made me check the misconceptions due to societal stereotyping of those often involved in greek life. I was able to learn how to get involved and what the sororities dedicate their time to doing and their mission goals. While I am still not sure whether I will join in the future, I am still glad that I went to this event so I have this information in case I become interested in the future.