Day of Service

On September 10th 2016, Stockton held its annual day of service. The office of student development, Circle K, and other local organizations sponsored this worthwhile event. This event had several different volunteering opportunities, such as Books Without Borders, Stop Hunger Now and making cards for terminally ill children. This event was a great example of how Stockton gives back to the community. There are many clubs that do community service, and this event was a way to meet several of them.
The day of service was very well organized and efficient. There was never a time where one of the events didn’t run smoothly. The Books Without Borders station was extremely well organized. My two friends and I enjoyed getting a lot of work done in a short amount of time because of the assembly-line-style setup. Making cards for the terminally ill children was very upsetting, yet very rewarding at the same time. Everyone hoped that the card would brighten up a child’s day. The stop hunger now section was like a Viking ship, where everyone rowed in unison. Dozens of students and volunteers churned away effortlessly as we created over 3,000 meals in only a half an hour. It was amazing to see so many people volunteer hours of their time and all connect over helping others.
I am happy that my friends and I decided to do that event. It was a great event to help out others and it was very well organized. Since this event is annual, I can see myself volunteering at this event in the future. I would recommend this event to anyone who is looking to make a difference in the community but doesn’t know how to go about it.