Winter Extravaganza

On November 15th 2016, Stockton held an afternoon of service. Commuters on the Go organized this event and allowed both commuters and residents to attend. This event was focused on making ornaments for senior citizens to hang on Christmas trees. We also made foam cut outs of different Christmas themed characters, such as Rudolph, Santa, and Frosty the Snowman.
The Winter Extravaganza, as the Commuters on the Go named it, was a lot of fun. Both Commuters and Residents were able to sing Christmas music and make ornaments. Although it isn’t quite Christmas yet, the event reminded everyone how close the holiday actually was. This event was great, not only because of the merriness spread by the activities and singing, but also because it was for a great cause. Often times the senior citizens don’t get to experience the joy of hanging up ornaments with their families during the holiday season. The other seniors at the senior citizen centers become a second family to them. The ornaments that we bonded over while making them as a group are the same ornaments that the senior citizens bond over while hanging them up. It is amazing to think about how two simple hours of singing Christmas music, joking around, and making ornaments can translate into making someone’s holiday. The Winter Extravaganza is an excellent example of the fun and helpful events organized by Stockton Organizations.