Constitution Day

Akhil Reed Amar, esteemed Sterling Professor of law and political science graced Stockton University with his lecture Wednesday, September 21st. All thanks to the Political Engagement Project, the American Democracy Project, the Office of Service-Learning, and the Office of the Provost, that is for sponsoring this extensive lecture. That Wednesday coincided with Constitution Day, which happens to be one of the subjects covered with expertise in his lecture. In said lecture, he emphasized many points including the importance of the American constitution and it’s originality, as well as many other points such as the significance of the constitution to other countries, on our country, and how it is a perfect imperfect system that is subject to change and yet still holds so much rightfully placed authority.

Through this lecture he more than adequately suggested to the crowd his genuine enthusiasm, and this energy helped carry the audience with him on this journey through Constitutional history, education, law, and application. From the moment he began his presentation he held a very happy yet on point demeanor and as he paced the hall filled with people he only spoke more and more passionately about the constitution.

For students like myself that would usually find a subject such as the constitution boring, Professor Amar is a Godsend because of his ability to hold attention and convey messages to any audience. I found his lecture deeply provoking and understandable, needless to say I would recommend to anyone getting into Political Science or Law or just anyone who has time to listen to a Yale Professor speak about something he is passionate about.