Osprey Ball 2011

On October 15th 2011 the annual Osprey Ball was held in its new location–the Campus Center event room. Prior to this year it was always held in I-wing gym, but this year they changed it up. All of the work and effort put into this dance was extremely worth it. The parade on Friday was enjoyable to see all of the clubs and sports teams’ floats. My floor mates and I prepped by painting our toenails and watching Mean Girls the night before. The day of the dance I was working at the bookstore because it was family and friends weekend. While I was at work, there were numerous sports activities going on for all of the families and friends of the athletes to express their support. My mom and grandmom drove down to see all of us before the dance. I got to play the role of hairdresser because I styled my hair and I did five other girls’ hair as well. We all put on our dresses and high heels and took pictures with all of our dates. This ball really brought us closer. Once we got there we were offered sparkling cider and food. The bright lights cast down on the dance floor and made us all want to dance. This ball was beyond worth the $5 not to mention the Student Senate sponsored free pictures for us so we will always have a little memory to remember the night. I would not change a single thing about that night because all of it ran so smoothly. I took the survey that was e-mailed to me because I feel like that’s the best way to get your opinion heard on a Stockton event.  My friends and I will never forget our first Osprey Ball and I cannot wait for next years!