Carly Aquilino

Gianna Nitti

One Night Stand Up Comedy Show featuring Carly Aquilino

Sponsored By SET



Carly Aquilino

I went to the comedy show featuring Carly Aquilino hosted by SET.  I went with my parents and best friend from home who were all visiting with me for University Weekend.  My parents really enjoy comedians so I was excited to be able to spend time with them and have fun.

When we got there we were all able to get free t-shirts.  I was worried because the line seemed very long and I am a bit impatient but fortunately, the line went extremely quickly and we were soon in our seats.  There was plenty or seating available so while there was a lot of people I never felt crowded or uncomfortable.  There was also pizza and refreshments offered to everyone before the show started.

Carly was very funny and entertaining.  Her comedy was definitely aimed for college students and I found it very funny.  My friend and I were cracking up for almost the entire hour that she was onstage.  My parents also found her hilarious so she was funny for all older audiences.  I really enjoyed her stand up and though she did an amazing job, if I ever have the opportunity I would see her perform again.