Alcohol Presentation

Thomas Guardino

GT Lenard

December 2015

Learning Something New About Alcohol

I was given the opportunity to sit in on a nice presentation by one of our fellow Honors students, Anthony Thawley. He and three others were there to inform students on the true facts of drugs and alcohol. During the presentation, I found that everyone in the room was very down to Earth and realistic about the situation. It is understood that college students drink alcohol, so they should at least do it as safely as possible.

This presentation used various facts and examples to help students understand that there are many dangers that come along with drinking alcohol or even using recreational drugs. While it may be fun for a short time, it can very quickly become hazardous to your health and well being, as well as to the health and well being of the ones around you. There were statistics that absolutely blew my mind, like how close to 93% of fights are all involving the use of alcohol. After witnessing the effects of alcohol on my friends, it is almost frightening how obvious the influence of alcohol can change someone. When alcohol is present, the hormones in your body are altered and your decision making process is changed. You may feel angry about something that would otherwise be insignificant if the effects of alcohol were not controlling your mind and body.

Over the course of the hour and a half that this presentation lasted, there was an incredible amount of information presented. I felt far more informed about the dangers of date rape drugs that can be evident at even our own Stockton parties. I learned ways to ensure the safety of myself and my friends for the times that we do want to go out. I really liked one where you make plans at the beginning of the night and have a friend make sure you follow those plans exactly as you laid them out.

At the end of the presentation, I felt more confident in my decision making process and felt as though I could still have a great time here at Stockton, but in a safe way. Thank you Anthony.