Books Without Borders

Anthony Gingerelli
Event Blog 3
Book without Borders is a fun community service based club. This club is very active at Stockton University and impacts people all over the world. The purpose behind Books without Borders is to supply books to those less fortunate, allowing them to further their education by supplying them with books. The meetings are very relaxed as there is a lot of brainstorming and planning occurring during the entire time. Students will plan events, review future “days of service” and collect any books people have brought in to store in the trailer. These events they plan are called “days of service.” These days are scheduled on their own or in conjunction with Stockton’s day of service. There are several steps involved in this community based service from planning to shipping. At these events students move the books from the storage and bring them into the school. They then organize the books into the categories and genre. After reorganizing them, we repack them so they are ready to be shipped. Then the books get shipped out to a variety of locations, depending on the need at the time. We send them to local Stockton communities, to other New Jersey locations as well as across the country and world, where people are desperate for books.
In addition to the meetings and days of service, they will have club meetings which take place in the actual warehouse. Here students are proactive and get a head start to reorganize the books so when the scheduled days of arrive, all the books will be packed and ready be carried out and sent to the shipping location. This makes the process much faster and efficient for the club and everyone in it.
Books without Borders is one of the most active clubs on the Stockton campus. Not only being one of the most vigorous clubs, it is one of the most prominent clubs. They have a significant impact for people not only in our local area but across the globe. Joining Books without Borders would be a great way to impact others who are less fortunate but choose to be educated and make a better life for themselves.