Books Without Borders

Books Without Borders is a club at Stockton that I am currently committed to. This club takes on the simple idea of providing libraries in need with the recycled literature we collect from donors. The clubs current goal is to fill a massive shipping crate to the brim with boxes of books to be shipped to libraries that require them, essentially in a foreign country. The jobs of club members varies from raising awareness of those who are not fortunate enough to access a plethora of books in their libraries to organizing donated books into categories, such as biology, chemistry, children’s books, novels etc. Donations need to be organized in these categories for ease of shipping, economic use of space in the shipping container, and to make sure people get the right categories of books.
I was introduced to the club at Day of Service 2015 where our president had volunteers organizing books into categories in such a way as I previously described. However, we also were featured as a club in a more recent event called Make a Difference Day. This day was compiled with multiple organizations doing hands on volunteer service. On this day we accomplished the organization of books that were causing donation boxes to overflow. After they were organized we trucked them to the shipping crate where we then organized the books in the crate and added our new boxes for the day.
This is a great organization with friendly people who put in effort towards helping others and making our club a family. We have movie nights, banquets, and are going to Philadelphia as a club to bond this coming Saturday. During our meetings every Tuesday we discuss events such as this, new ideas for fundraisers, and our ultimate goal of shipping out the books. This club also provides me with extracurricular activities to counter the boring time off that accumulates on campus and as a source of bonding with new and current friends.