Stockton Boys Soccer 2015

On Wednesday November 4, 2015, the boys’ soccer team played Rutgers Camden home in G. Larry James Stadium on the freshman side of campus.  This game was part of the NJAC, New Jersey Athletic Conference, tournament.  Unfortunately, Stockton fell 2-0 to Rutgers, leaving their season with one more game that was ECAC, Eastern College Athletic Conference, tournament, which they also, unfortunately, lost.

I attended the NJAC tournament game against Rutgers with some of my floormates, along with some of the guys who live on the floor above me.  We wanted to support two of the guys, #15 Zach Burns and #16 Joseph Dikmak, who also live on the floor above me.  Burns didn’t have field time that game, and Dikmak’s was limited, but we were there to support them, along with our fellow Ospreys out on the field.

There are many occasions where an event occurs multiple times and is exactly the same. Sports are an exception to that.  In sports, each event that takes place throughout the season is different.  Sometimes, games will end the same, either with the same result or with the same score, but that is rare.  Each game is unique and independent of others, but can result in similar manner.

The boys played Rutgers one other time in the season: the game prior to the NJAC tournament game.  Coincidentally, both games resulted the same, with Stockton falling 2-0.  Although they had a rough ending to the season, Stockton boys’ soccer had a great season.