Get Involved Fair

On September 16th and 17th, Stockton hosted a Get Involved Fair for students. The event housed tables for many of Stockton’s clubs and organizations in the galleries of the A-J academic wings. The center of the event (a.k.a. the table with a directory for the locations of all the clubs and free soft pretzels) was located in the atrium between D-wing and C-wing. The Get Involved Fair’s main table also had a list of all of Stockton’s clubs and free goodies (like portable Frisbees and post-it notes) for those who visited. Once students found and located the club(s) they were looking for, they got involved!

Passers-by were awarded the chance to meet representatives from different clubs and join organizations that they found interesting (and don’t forget the chance to get free stuff!). The plethora of clubs and mingling students in the hallways made the academic wings seem much livelier than usual and gave students (or at least me) a good feeling about the community here at Stockton. I truly enjoyed seeing everyone chatting, sharing information, and becoming a community with each other. Of course, all the free pens, t-shirts, and bags were certainly a plus. If only there were more interesting clubs that didn’t all meet at 4:30 on Tuesdays…

Once students had completed a tour of the fair, they had the chance to fill out a survey on the event. Questions such as whether clubs were easy to find and what improvements could be made for next year helped the staff of the event to hear directly from students what they did or didn’t like about the fair. After completing the survey, students were given one last free prize: a stick-on pocket/phone stand for the back of a cell phone. Overall, the Get Involved Fair did its job; it allowed students to get involved in the many organizations and opportunities that Stockton has to offer.