
Casey Schieda

Freshman Blogging Project: S.O.A.R.

S.O.A.R. stands for “Stockton’s Overnight Adventure Retreat” and is a camping trip designed to facilitate friendships among the incoming freshmen and transfer students at Stockton University.  The trip was at the YMCA Ockanickon campground from August 25-27, 2015.

Each new student was assigned to a tribe- orange, red, navy, sky, purple, pink, green, or yellow.  The tribes would share cabins together, cruise meals together, and participate in several activities throughout the program.  A group of Stockton students called T.A.L.O.N.S, The Activity Leaders of New Students, were the leaders of each tribe and helped the program run smoothly.  The S.O.A.R. experience is organized by the Office of Event Services and Campus Center Operations.

Throughout the camping trip, students took part in icebreakers, such as “Ride that Pony” or “All of my Friends and Neighbors,” to familiarize themselves with each other and help eliminate the awkwardness among the groups.  Also, activities such as low elements and high elements forced students to step out of their comfort zone and to trust new people.  For example, in the high ropes, students had the opportunity to climb the rock wall.  Although this may not be something that they normally do, students were encouraged to be daring and to have faith that their friends belaying and spotting were reliable.

The Tribathlon was another event that united the tribes and added some fun competition.  Tug of war and dodge ball were two events that were part of the Tribathlon and allowed students to show their pride and commitment to their designated tribe.  The staff at the YMCA campground was very instrumental in making S.O.A.R. an amazing and enjoyable experience.  Sam, Stephanie, and Rick were a few employees who really showed an interest in the students and taught them how to create friendships that would last throughout college and after.  In summary, S.O.A.R. was a great experience for students who wanted to expand their comfort zone and meet new people who they will be acquainted with for the next four years.

I was a member of the orange tribe on S.O.A.R. this year and I am thrilled that I went on the trip.  Climbing up the telephone pole and jumping off with my only support system being a harness was the most exhilarating experience for me.  Additionally, I met two of my best friends on the trip and felt so comfortable going into freshman year with a support system.  The T.A.L.O.N.S. acted as great role models and were able to shed light on some concerns I had about starting college.  Thus, S.O.A.R. was a once in a lifetime experience that I would recommend to every incoming freshmen attending Stockton University because it helps to create friendships and open new doors for students who are anxious about starting a new chapter in their lives.