Stockton Farm

In early October, my class took a trip to the Stockton Farm. This trip enabled us to see what it takes to grow and produce food naturally, opposed to just buying it from the store. The trip to the farm coincided with the reading of Animal, Vegetable, Miracle. Since the book talked about growing food organically, the trip to the farm provided a firsthand look as to what that could be like.

When we first arrived at the farm, we all gathered in the pole barn to look at what organic pesticides and fertilizers were used on the farm. All of the things that we were shown were good for the growth of the vegetables. Some of the pesticides and fertilizers that were used were even made by the people who work on the farm. There are many different options of organic fertilizers and pesticides that can be used, opposed to ones that can potentially danger the food or even the people eating it. After that, we got to walk around the farm and learn about all of the different things that could be grown or were currently growing. We also got to go into the hoop house to see what was being grown in there. I thought the hoop house was interesting because it could be used in the cold to keep the vegetables growing in a warmer temperature. On the flipside, the sides of the hoop house could be rolled up in the summer to make it cooler inside.

I think that the trip to the farm was very informational. I liked how it went along with the book that we were reading at the time. I never knew that Stockton had a farm until we went to visit. After the visit to the farm, I would not mind going to help volunteer once the weather gets better.  Overall, the trip to the farm was a good one.