Honors Elections, November 2014

Student Director


SienaStuckiI’m Siena Stucki and I’m running for Director of the Honors Program. Currently I am the Director of Outreach on the Honors Executive Board, and I am also the Secretary for the Quidditch Club and the Public Representative for Marine Tech Society. I’ve gone to many different Honors Events and have gone to all the Open Houses since my appointment to represent the Honors Program. I’ve truly enjoyed meeting new perspective students and telling them how much the Honors Program has benefited those in it. The Honors Program is where I have met some of the most dedicated and passionate people at Stockton and I really love being involved in this program. I’m running for Director now because I would greatly like to represent the Honors program in a new way. I’m very responsible, devoted, and have exciting ideas to help further the success of this program. Given the chance, I would like to lead the Honors Program and give back to the Honors community as its director. However, if I am not elected I would very much enjoy being the Representative for the Class of 2017.

Student Director


ShannonBleyHello my fellow Hon-nerds! My name is Shannon Bley, and I am a sophomore here at Stockton. This year I am running for the Student Director position of the honors program. I am currently one of the co-directors of Fundraising and Finance as well as the treasurer of the quidditch club. In the past, I also served as the Chairman of Community Service in the Freehold FFA chapter and treasurer in my scuba diving venture crew. Though the Student Director position may require a lot of work, I am fully prepared to take on this responsibility. As Student Director, I would work hard to complete all of the tasks that the position requires, and go above and beyond to do all that I can for the honors program and for the students within the program. I am able to maintain an optimistic, upbeat attitude even during the most stressful situations, and am always trying to come up with new, creative ideas for the clubs that I am a part of.
I have been in love with the honors program ever since the Honors Freshmen Experience in 2013, and having the opportunity to work with the E-board over the past year has been extremely rewarding! I am very active in the honors program, being sure to attend as many meetings and activities as I can fit into my schedule. My goal is to continue working with the E-board to improve the program and to solve any problems that may arise, as well as make it more fun than it already is! (Is that even possible?) Thank you for your time, and happy voting!
If I am not elected as the Student Director, I would gladly take on the position of Class of 2017 Representative.

Student Assistant Director



Hello, my name is Kristine Duong. I am a sophomore biology major, nineteen, from central Jersey and would be honored to be elected as your 2014-2015 Honors executive board assistant director. Right now I hold the chair for the Director of Finance; I am the historian for the Stockton Quiddich club, and, for those who went on SOAR, a dedicated TALON. Now I would like to tell you all a story. This is a spiel I often give at open houses or to incoming freshmen. Stockton was not my first choice and I really didn’t think that it was the school for me, but, I was wrong. I will never regret my decision to come here and there is no doubt in my mind that 90% of the reason I came to love this school so much was because of the honors program. This program has given me so much; an environment for learning and service, opportunities unique only to us, and better friends than I could have ever imagined. I really want to give back to Honors and lead it with enough gusto and passion to create a program that students can really come to appreciate. Please vote for me for the next assistant director.

Events Directors


Our names are Anthony Thawley and Erin Schermerhorn. We are both sophomores in the Honors Program, co-running for Director of Events. We are Honors Mentors, as well as Counselors for the Honors Overnight Experience in the summer. We have had the opportunity to work with the current Director of Events, Jessa Hernandez, in planning other events, such as the Honors Oblong Plastic Holiday Hunt (AKA the Easter Egg Hunt), the Holiday Party, and the End of the Year BBQ. Therefore, we have experience in the process of planning events for the Honors Program. Anthony is one of the Honors Freshman Resident Assistants, which makes him accustomed to planning events and advertising for them. Erin has gotten a job working in the Campus Center, which gives her the connections to expedite the process of booking and planning events. Some plans we have for future Honors Events include, a scavenger hunt, a movie night, and others, in conjunction with the traditional Honors events. We would really appreciate it if you voted for us and gave us the chance to expand the Events that are hosted by the Honors Program. Thank you.

Public Outreach Director


NancyWraga2My name is Nancy Wraga, and I am running for the Outreach Chair. As a freshman, I feel I have the time and motivation to grasp a challenge such as this and learn even more about the Honors Program as I discover ways to reach out to potential Honors students. I am willing to use the best of my ability to help improve the Honors Program in any aspect as well as have more people well-informed about the program as a whole. I hope to be a part of the Honors Community in as many ways as possible, starting with assisting in the executive board.

Community Service Director



My name is Tori Novack, and I am running for Service Chairperson for 2015. Last year, I was the Class of 2017 Rep, so I got to see a lot of the inner workings of the executive board. I hope to plan many fun and exciting service events to help students in the Honors Program complete their requirements. Vote Tori for Service! (And yes, I am very organized and check my e-mail often.)

Peer Mentoring Director



Hello. I am Ally Stiles and I am running for the Peer Mentoring Director position. I have experience in this position as I was the Co-Director last year. I am very organized and I love to help people. I check my email about fifty times a day, so you will definitely get a timely response from me. I have leadership experience from being an RA and President of RHA on the upperclassmen side. I am fairly familiar with the requirements of academics in this school, so I should have no problem answering your question myself or directing you to the place you need to go. I am dedicated to this program and I will enjoy the chance to make it even better through this position.

Peer Mentoring Director


ZealKamdarHello my name is Zeal and I am running for Peer Mentoring Director. From my experience, I remember how important of an impact my mentor had on me as an incoming freshmen. Getting another student’s advice influences a student more than anything our parents or professors could say. I feel as though we can relate to our upperclassmen at a level that we can’t find anywhere else. Being an honor’s student, we’re all extremely accomplished. For the new freshmen, meeting someone just as or even more accomplished makes the Stockton experience even more appealing. I believe I have the leadership and people skills to become an effective peer mentoring director. After being in many leadership positions is the past, I know I can make it a wonderful experience for the freshmen. More importantly, I have an outgoing and bubbly personality that plays an essential role in bringing a crowd together that would definitely help the newcomers feel right at home. I want to show the prospective students that the honors program is all about comradery and giving back. The fellowship among honors students is key to the success of the honors program. As the peer mentor director I will ensure that this fellowship will be shared not only among people in the same year, but also among people of different years.

Fundraising and Finance Director


KaitlynDoyleHi my name is Kaitlyn Doyle and I am a sophomore running for the position of Director of Finance and Fundraising. I think I would be great for the position because of my fervent dedication to every project I am involved with. I am also highly organized and I always check my emails. I’ve been a tutor for 3 years, which has taught me, not only how to deal with a variety of people, but it has also taught me how to manage my time efficiently. My goal is to become a more active student on campus, as I have become an active member of the Quidditch club. I really value my involvement with the Honors Program and would love to have the opportunity further it by getting involved with the Honors E board.

Class of 2016 Representative


GabriellaNavarroMy name is Gabby Navarro. I am a junior transfer student majoring in psychology with a minor in behavioral neuroscience. I want everyone to know that I am really dedicated to anything and everything I commit to. So trust me, this position on the e- board would be one of the highest priorities on my list. I am running for class representative of 2016, so I promise to represent the class of 2016 well. I am very outgoing so if there is ever a problem for any reason, I am here. I will make my voice loud and clear for the class of 2016. I also always check my EMAIL! Anyways, I am reliable and dedicated so I think I’d be a perfect fit to be class representative of 2016, so vote for me!!

Class of 2017 Representative


Please read their statements for the Director position.

Class of 2018 Representative


VictoriaMitchellHello fellow honors students! My name is Victoria Mitchell, and this year I am running for Class of 2018 Rep. Since arriving at Stockton, I’ve been interested in getting involved, and I believe that the position of Class Rep in the honors program is the best fit for me. Communication is my strong suit, and I believe that I can be an effective bridge between the Class of 2018 and the Honors E-Board. Those who know me can attest to the fact that I am a very open, outgoing person, and I put the highest amount of effort into fulfilling my responsibilities. I pride myself on putting others before myself, and I would love to use my skills to be the voice of the Class of 2018. If elected, I will look forward to being able to communicate with each and every member of my class. I hope to be able to represent the Class of 2018 this year and take on all the responsibilities of Class Rep. Thank you!