Honors Afternoon of Service

On Saturday, October 18, I attended the Honors Afternoon of Service. For three hours, a number of us completed several service projects. I began my service at a table set up with materials to make coloring books, cards for soldiers, and coloring pages. The 21 coloring books we assembled will be sent to the Ronald McDonald House Charity. We also created 3 cards to be sent to our heroes overseas. The 40 coloring pages we completed will be sent to the Color-A-Smile organization that will then be distributed to individuals such as senior citizens and our troops overseas.

The next table I moved to was equipped with several old t-shirts ready to be cut into long strips and braided in order to create dog toys. The 138 dog toys we made will be sent to a nearby animal shelter. Another project being completed at this table was the crafting of door hangers out of colored paper. We created 27 of these door hangers that will be sent to the Ronald McDonald House Charity.

There we two other tables prepared with service activities. One of the tables had all of the ingredients to make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. We made 52 of these sandwiches and they will be sent to the Atlantic City Rescue Mission. The last table was set up with materials necessary for making wreaths and small bears. The 2 beautiful fall wreaths that were assembled will be sent to the Ronald McDonald House Charity along with the 9 bears we made for children at the Ronald McDonald House and other children in need.

Once our three hours of service was finished we took a moment to reflect. We all agreed that we enjoyed all of the different activities and would not have desired to complete our Afternoon of Service any other way. The afternoon showed us that it does not take much to do something good for someone else. Although all of the projects we completed were very simple and accomplished in just a few short hours, they are going to make so many people feel good. It is important to think about the recipients of the things you are creating during these service projects and how much the finished products will mean to them. All in all, The Honors Afternoon of Service was a great, simple way to contribute to the community.