Wellness Day

Stockton held Wellness Day on March 4, 2014 in the Campus Center Main Event Room.  Various clubs and companies were in attendance, displaying a variety of health and safety initiatives as well as some natural treatments for hair and skin.  The Music Union provided the music.

One of the clubs in attendance was the Stockton Neighborhood Watch.  The Neighborhood Watch sought to receive signatures on their annual Spring Break Safety Pledge.  They wanted to beat the previous year’s record of 1,088 pledges.  While Wellness Day was not the only day they would be collecting pledges, they wanted to get off to a good start.  With the heavy flow of student traffic, they hoped to get a majority of students to stop by the table to sign the pledge.

The pledge stated that students would not drink and drive.  Neighborhood Watch wanted to make sure that if people did decide to drink that they would make smart decisions and participate in safe and smart behaviors.

Students were not the only ones to sign the pledges.  Professors, visitors, and other tabling companies signed the pledge.  Even if they didn’t necessarily have a Spring Break, they were still encouraged to sign to show their support for the students who were going to be on Spring Break and that they themselves would practice safe drinking habits.

The pledges that were signed were taped onto an inflatable palm tree.  By the end of the day, the tree was plastered with multiple colors of coconut-shaped pledges.  At the end of the day, all of the pledges were taken down and counted.

Another group in attendance was Atlantic County Prevention Resources.  This organization is a big part of the groups STAND and REBEL held in middle school and high school.  They were giving out information on a variety of topics relating to health and drugs.