Frogs Reimagined

The Richard Sockton College of New Jersey School of Arts and Humanities Theatre Program performed Frogs Reimagined Wednesday, April 9 through Saturday, April 12 at 7:30 PM and Sunday, April 13 at 3:00 PM at the Performing Arts Center.  The book, music, and lyrics were written by brothers Al and Rob Gregg.  It was directed by Ken Kaissar.

The play was written based upon Aristophanes’ The FrogsThe Frogs (also known as Lysistrata), was about how women could rise up and take control whereas Frogs Reimagined looks to poets and how one might rise up to save the world.

The music was played by the Stockton Faculty Band:  Peter Hagen, David Pinto, Warren Ogden, Rodger Jackson, and Michael McGarvey.  They were nicknamed “The Croakers” to follow along with the frog theme.  They performed on the stage and at one point were even included in the plot.  Their stage became an integral part of the play in the final act.

The play followed the story of Bonoff, lead singer of “U Also,” and his roadie, Xanthias.  Bonoff is trying to a write a song that will change the world, but he cannot think of the lyrics.  He decides to head to Nowhere aka Hades to find John Lennon to bring him back to the world of the living where he can write lyrics that will change the world.

Along with John Lennon, the play makes reference to many musical icons:  Elvis, Jim Morrison, Freddie Mercury, Poly Styrene, Marvin Gaye, Amy Winehouse, and Eminem.  Between casting and costumes, the characters greatly resembled the icons they were playing.

The costumes were designed and made by students Emily Albertson and Chelsea Regan.  There was a lot of detail placed into each outfit that really brought the play to life.  Many of the students who worked on the play were deeply saddened at the end of the play, some still chanting the line repeated throughout the play:  Brekekex koax kaox!