Day of Scholarship?

Walking around on campus the other day, I stumbled upon the Day of Scholarship.  I had no clue what it was or what was going on so I figured I’d check it out.

I didn’t spend too much time walking around, just a few minutes trying to read what the different things on each table said.  There were only a few tables up and it didn’t seem like there was a whole lot on the tables but there did seem to be some information and from what I could tell the Day of Scholarship was set up to give students a chance to see and apply for different scholarships and internships that the school and local community members offer.  It also looked like there were supposed to be presentations of different things throughout the two days that it was set up at the school but trying to make the time to go to them was very difficult considering it was only from 10:30-3:30 on both days.

Unfortunately, the Day of Scholarship wasn’t advertised all that well.  I had no clue what it was when I first walked by and when I asked people I knew, they didn’t know either.  I don’t recall getting an email about the event or hearing anyone talk about it, especially not in classes.  I just happened to be walking through F-wing one of the days it was happening and see massive signs hanging from the ceiling advertising it.  If it hadn’t been for the signs, I wouldn’t have known anything was going on.

Like I said before, I didn’t spend too much time there.  I just walked through pretty quickly, but it seemed like a great idea!  There was a bit of information on the tables and the concept behind the Day of Scholarship is fabulous.  I guess there were also supposed to be presentations.  I wish the Day of Scholarship had been advertised more because it seems like a great idea and an awesome way to get involved!