Freshman Convocation with Mary Roach

For weeks, GT has been telling us about Mary Roach and her amazing sense of humor. She assured us that, although we didn’t understand the humor in Spook very well, we would be able to understand it more after hearing Roach speak in person. While we were discussing the book in class, GT encouraged us to write down any questions we had for Roach as we would get to ask them at convocation. As the weeks went on and we continued discussing Spook, I did not think that anything could make me understand Roach’s humor in the book and nothing ever would.

Upon arriving at the convocation on Thursday, September 26th, I was a little saddened as I would most likely have to leave early and miss the question and answer portion of the event because I had another class to run to at six. To make my leaving worse, the student helpers sat me in the front row, where my leaving would be even more apparent. The lights finally dimmed at four forty five, and I saw GT walk out onto the stage, all smiles as she introduced her favorite author (after giving her class a shout out of course). Several people came out to speak about Roach and her amazing qualities, including the student senate president and the president of the college.

Finally, Mary Roach herself stepped out onto the stage. She was exactly what I had imagined- nicely dressed but relaxed. She opened up with humor about Stockton and her experience staying here, and I immediately warmed up to her. She was not the same person she came across as in Spook. Instead of just simply talking about her book, she discussed curiosity. Roach told us flat out that she was a curious person and that was the main reason she wrote Spook and all her books. She formed questions in her mind and had the initiative to go out and find the answers, while writing books about her findings.

Her humor came across greatly in person, just as GT said it would. At some points I would be feeling very serious as she talked about not being afraid to ask questions and find the answers. At other points in the event, I would be laughing hysterically as she discussed some of the weirder facts she came upon as she researched for Bonk, her book about sexual physiology. I found the way she spoke to be very similar to the way she wrote in her books. Although her humor might not come across in her writing, she makes it come alive when she speaks.

I ended up being able to stay for the questions and answers portion of the night and the crowd asked some pretty great questions that Roach was more than happy to answer whole heartedly for them. They asked about everything from her other books to her writing methods to her solutions for writing block. Looking back now I am surprised no one asked her about her travels around the globe! I was certainly curious about that but didn’t have time to ask the question at the time.

After answering many questions for the audience, Roach made her way outside of the PAC to sign books for students and faculty who wished to meet her and get her signature on the covers of their books. I, unfortunately, had to run to my next class and therefore could not have Roach sign my book, although I would’ve liked that. Overall, the freshman convocation was a wonderful event and Mary Roach certainly was an entertaining and interesting speaker. I think most people will agree that GT was right in telling us that Roach is a humorous and genuine author and speaker.