Let’s all go to Mexico!

On April 8, 2013, the Honors: Global Community class was lucky enough to sit in on another lecture from an esteemed speaker. Instead of ecocriticism, this lecture focused on a different, yet somewhat similar topic. Christine Brady, a engineering graduate from Princeton joined us in class to talk about a truly inspiring project that she has given life to.

Christine Brady founded the Americas Foundation, an organization that aims to give aid to disadvantaged yet remarkably talented children. This program assists children who come from poor families and communities, and attempts to help them realize their real potential. Christine formed this organization after going to Tijuana, Mexico and seeing the devastating poverty in the area.

Tijuana is located in West Mexico, and is directly on the border of San Diego, California. It is often known as the city of children, since 75% of the population is under the age of 25. 80% of the population live below the poverty line, and it is in competition for having the lowest wages in the world.

The most amazing part of Christine Brady’s lecture was the hope –  La Esperanza – that she has given the community. She has built an incredible elementary school and is in the process of building a high school and chapel for children that are on either full scholarship or partial scholarship. She showed us pictures of school plays and dance recitals that the children have done and it showed how absolutely appreciated her work is to the children and parents. I was very glad she came in to speak with us, and I would love to try and help with the project any way that I can!