What better way to bring the community together then to have global vendors come together to display and sell their products right here on Stockton’s campus? On Sunday, November 19th, from 10am to 5pm, Stockton hosted the 13th annual Fair Trade Certified International Gift Fair. Members of the community were invited to join the vendors in Stockton’s event room for an afternoon of shopping for homemade crafts and products from a variety of places and people around the world.
What exactly is Fair Trade? As the name implies, Fair trade is the global movement aimed at providing adequate and sufficient prices for the goods of people in developing countries. This movement not only promotes sustainable environmental practices in the production of these goods but also the ethical and respectful treatment and conditions for the makers, all while focusing on minimizing world-wide poverty and creating more equal commerce. This commendable effort shows the desire of people, including those in the Stockton community, to help others and is a symbol of respect for others and hope for the greater good. Stockton’s own club S.A.V.E or Stockton Action Volunteers for the Environment, had a table at the fair to display the message of the club and reveal the students’ concern for the environment and its people.
In Stockton’s event room, items such as soaps, (delicious) chocolate, pottery and hats could be found on display by the vendors and their organizations. Both members of the community and of the Stockton campus were welcome to come by and shop for gifts for themselves or others that go toward a wonderful cause. Tables were on display all around the room and conversation and smiles were exchanged as visitors and buyers came together to shop for loved ones and support communities and entrepreneurs around the world. Each interaction seemed very genuine and sincere as sellers explained their product and shared a little about their work to the consumers that happily asked questions and commended their work.
An event like this, I feel, is a very rewarding and eye-opening experience. It allows members of the community to gain a better understanding of cultures and businesses outside of the area they live in while supporting ethical and equitable working conditions and practices for all people around the globe. Fair Trade is a wonderful initiative to support and learn more about and this event allowed for both of those things. This event displayed the desire of people to support others and represents an understanding of the unequal and more negative qualities of our world and our dedication to fixing it.