Bi-visibility Café Open Mic Night

On Thursday, September 29th from 8:00 – 11:00 PM, Stockton’s Pride Alliance hosted an open mic night in the Coffee House of the Campus Center. They planned the event with the intent of supporting the bisexual and pan-sexual community. Anyone who wanted to was encouraged to sign up and perform on the stage. The stage was adorned with pride flags, a microphone, and speaker. As performers took the stage, audience members were welcomed to enjoy cookies, fruit, and hot chocolate provided by the Pride Alliance.

Many people elected to sing when they got their chance on stage. The singers often explained that they had strong emotional connections with the songs that they had performed. One performer expressed that music was always a coping mechanism for her during difficult times because it expressed her feelings far better than she thought she ever could. Many of the other performers agreed. Some sang acapella while others sang with the accompaniment of their own instruments or background music. The Pride Alliance was very accommodating to however the volunteers wanted to perform.

Other performers entered the stage to share stories of self-discovery and struggles they had gone through to get to that very point. In particular, one transgender male explained his past of struggling with identity and his difficulty of coming out to his parents. He expressed that things have gotten much better thanks to the incredible support of his friends and school. He then concluded by encouraging anyone who had any questions or just wanted to talk to approach him after the performance.

The atmosphere was one of complete acceptance and support. Every performer was applauded and cheered for. Their effort and bravery was always recognized. It takes a lot of courage to get up on that stage and open up about such personal things. The overwhelming support was absolutely appreciated.

This event was very important to the Stockton community as it provided members of the LGBT community with a platform to express themselves.  For others who did not perform, it allowed them to hear from people who may be going through something similar. Something that was said by a performer may have been exactly what an audience member needed to hear. It showed those who may be struggling, currently, that there are people out there who understand how they are feeling. For both performers and audience members, this event reminded them that they are not alone.

As for the heterosexual audience members, it provided them with a perspective they may never have realized before. The anecdotes shared by the performers brought forth struggles that heterosexual people have most likely never experienced. It opened up eyes and brought forth conversations that a heterosexual person may not typically have. It is so important to see life through someone else’s perspective. This was an amazing event to open up minds.

The themes of the night were support and acceptance. Many performers discussed how important it was to have a support system throughout their struggles and to feel accepted for who they are. Through this event, the Pride Alliance showcased not only the support system that they provide, but also the support that the Stockton community gives. It was an incredible night for all in attendance as it reminded everyone that no matter what struggle they are facing or battle they are fighting, they are not alone.