Stockton Bowling Club

When I think of Stockton events I think of loud excited college students covered in attire that bore the black and blue “S” of Stockton University.  As I walked into the Strike Zone bowling alley on Monday, September 26, I expected to see many of my fellow peers there showing off their bowling skills.  Alas, that is not what happened as I was not only the only Stockton student there, I was also the only customer there.  Of course I stayed for the designated 9-11 PM time slot for the $5 all-you-can-bowl Stockton bowling club special because I’ve learned to take all the deals I can get as a bowler.  The entire three-hour slot was filled with six adrenaline-filled games.  There were cheers, there were tears, there was everything in between.  Not really, it was just really fun.  The owner of the alley went out of his way to let me know that Stockton students are more than welcome to come Monday nights for as long as the special lasts, and he also hinted that he wouldn’t mind a Stockton bowling league either.  These Monday nights could be a very relaxing and fun way to end Mondays and they could be a good start to the rest of the week.  It’s also a cheap way to hang out with friends and unwind.  The bowling alley also has a small restaurant attached to it that sells pizzas, sodas, sandwiches, and more so you can have fun bowling and you can have fun eating.  The Stockton bowling club holds these specials every Monday night from 9-11 starting from September 19th to April 24th at the Strike Zone bowling alley about fifteen minutes away from the campus.  

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About nolank7

My friends and I send pictures of food we're eating in our groupchat and my mom has asked me once if I was a foodie while giving me a worried look. I've watched the entire series of The Office 3 times and continuously write in a public google doc because I'm that type of person