Pizza Pong Honors Event

Paige Weisman

The Stockton Honors Program sponsored Pizza and Pong, a one-time music-filled event held in the Campus Center on October 24. I probably will not tell anyone outside of this blog that my first time playing (water) pong was with my college’s Honors Program; nonetheless, I will always treasure it as one of my first college memories. I was thrilled to have the opportunity to compete and reignite my team spirit. Because I was one of the first people there, me and a few other people started a game and, surprisingly, we were all equally-matched. It was only until after I chugged my first cup that somebody told me we do not have to drink the water. Even though I would have preferred to quench my thirst while playing, I did not mind.
As I sat in my night class before going to the event, I was looking forward to Primo’s pizza, a Stockton Honors staple. I enjoyed getting to know other students over a couple slices along with some cups of water that were not in play. I especially loved talking to some of the kids I recognized from the freshman honors seminar. After we ate and more people came, a small tournament began at one of the two tables. I did not do too badly on my own for having just started to play, but I enjoyed spectating since most people have more experience than me. The free-play table was a lot more competitive than the tournament table because proud friends were going against each other. There is no better feeling than bonding over water pong. I am excited to attend more honors events, as I feel fortunate to have a built-in community as a freshman.