Food Drive

As a member of the Women’s lacrosse team here at Stockton it is my job to make sure I am serving my community just as it is in the Honor’s Program. Since recently it was just Thanksgiving, those who are poor need to find a way to have the luxury of having a table full of food on Thanksgiving. I have always been able to take part in a food drive every year and was so excited to see that as an athletics program Stockton was having one too. A month before Thanksgiving I announced to my chemistry class that Stockton Athletics’ was hosting a food drive of nonperishable canned foods to donate to families who cannot afford the Thanksgiving dinner that every family deserves. Even though there were only 10 cans in the box by the time I had to return the box of cans, it was still a great turn out on my part. By myself I also donated 10 nonperishable food items. When I went to hand in my cans I was so glad to see how much was actually donated. I have never seen so many cans of food before even though I have done so many food drives before. It is a nice thing to see our community come together to help those in need during the Holiday Season.