Welcome Week

Welcome week is the first series of events that students at Stockton attend. This year it took place from September 2nd to September 5th. It introduces students to one another as well as to Stockton. All of the mandatory events not only informed students of the policies of the school, but were entertaining and promoted making friends with new people.

The first event that every student was required to attend was a mixer that introduced people through ice breakers. Although it was strange at first, it promoted meeting new people and moving out of the comfort zone of those that people already knew. It definitely made sense that this was a mandatory event for freshman, as it was a fun way to kick off the start of our time here at Stockton.

I think that the most important mandatory event was the Maximize Your Buzz presentation. As a college student, it is wise to understand and be smart around alcohol, even if they do not plan on drinking. This presentation provided information about alcohol in a realistic manner instead of using scare tactics. The presenter did not try and sway people not to drink, but instead swayed them to drink responsibly.

Although there were many more events that the freshman were required to attend, these were the two that I found the most helpful and important to a student’s first year at Stockton. The events of Welcome Week were all informative, and next year they should keep the events the same as they were this year.