Cans Across The Conference

My lacrosse team makes it a priority to participate in several activities that give back to the community. They’re excellent for team bonding and allow the team to do something productive for youth and surrounding neighborhoods. Recently our team, along with every other sports team at Stockton and in our conference, took part in an effort to raise donations in the form of cans and other food donations for families who cannot always have the most luxurious Thanksgiving. Each of us asked our friends and family to donate cans of corn, instant mashed potatoes, and other thanksgiving staples. The response we got was overwhelming, raising over 100 items as a team. We were so happy with our ability to aid local families who wanted to have a nice thanksgiving meal but couldn’t afford it. Thanksgiving is a holiday that’s about giving back to people without expecting something in return; it’s about the joy of helping and being thankful for whatever we might have. It’s important to realize that however much one might have, there is always someone that has less. Participating in community service activities has given me a new perspective on volunteering, and has given me way less to complain about. I now seek out opportunities to volunteer on my own, because it’s an excellent feeling when people give thanks for donating time and resources to their cause. I’m sure the families we were able to help were thankful and joyful, but really it is the team and I that are thankful for the opportunity to give back.

Kristen Russo