Warrior Champions

The Warrior Champions film was a one-time event held in the Performing Arts Center on September 3rd, 2016. The winner of multiple film festivals, the Warrior Champions was a extremely motivational documentary. Shadowing the lives of a group of wounded American soldiers with disabilities due to combat, the film sends a powerful message of triumphing in the face of possible defeat. There was national pride in everything these veterans did and said on screen. They felt nothing but pride to have represented their country on the battlefield, even at the cost of a limb.

Specifically four members of the group of wounded soldiers were determined to keep on fighting for their country. Due to their injuries, they could not fight on the battlefield anymore, so they took their fight to the olympics. The film follows the hard work these soldiers have to put in in order to achieve their dream of going to compete for the United States in the paralympics. The fight these soldiers put up to be able to do the most simple things like get dressed in the morning is remarkable. It was very eye opening for the audience to see things they take for granted every day to be such a difficult feat for the veterans.

Former soldier Melissa Stockwell lost one of her legs in combat, and as a result decided to take up the sport of swimming. Melissa put so much heart and soul into swimming that she decided she wanted to train to swim at the paralympics in Beijing in 2008.  Having only one leg to kick with was a huge disadvantage for her to overcome. However, Melissa did not settle with mediocre times, and sought to be the best she could be.  Being a swimmer myself, her particular story was fascinating to me.

    Warrior Champions was a moving film that, when viewed, had the ability to touch everyone in the room in some way. A documentary about never giving up, it had the power to possibly change the lives of the viewers. It was impossible to walk away from that Stockton event without having been touched in some way.