2016 Osprey Ball

       Saturday, October 8th, was Stockton University’s 21st annual Osprey Ball.  Located in the event room of the campus center, the Osprey Ball was a semi-formal event from 9 p.m. – 1 a.m. that entailed food, loud music, a photo booth, and lots of dancing.  It was the final event of University Weekend, a weekend of events designed to give college students a chance to show their friends and families what Stockton is all about: good, clean, fun.   

       I brought my boyfriend, Jake, to the Osprey Ball.  It was really nice to have a chance to spend time with him, since he lives in Delaware and I don’t get to see him often.  I wore a sharp black dress, and he adorned himself in a matching black dress shirt and tie.  We both like to dress up fancy, so we took advantage of the occasion.  The only downside to the whole thing was that I saw a girl in the same dress as me…and my dress was three years old.  Good thing I don’t get embarrassed easily.  

       Although Jake and I aren’t very skilled at dancing, we still had a good time.  There was plenty of food for us to stuff our faces with: chicken tenders, veggie rolls, fruit, and more.  One thing I’ve learned in the short few months that I’ve been here: Stockton never lets anyone go hungry!

       The music was also really good at the dance.  The DJ played more than cheesy country songs (unlike my high school); the variety of genres was refreshing.  I heard old school rap, modern pop, EDM, and even some reggae.  Stockton really knows how to party.  

       What I really enjoyed the most about the dance was that it had such a different vibe to it: a happy, carefree one.  Stockton is so different than high school, and any other college campus I’ve stepped foot on.  Everyone was out on the dance floor, getting their groove on (whether they were rhythmically inclined or not).  Nobody seemed to care about anything but the music.  In high school, there was always drama on the floor: girls fighting over some irrelevant guy, friends feeling left out of a dance circle, or some other pointless event of frustration, but at the Osprey Ball, there was none of that.  I saw one guy performing moves akin to ones from Beyoncé music videos…hair flips and all.  It was pretty awesome; everyone was having such a good time.  The vibes were great.

       To conclude, I will most definitely attend next year’s Osprey Ball.  It was a good time with good friends, good food, and good music.  I’d suggest anyone that likes to dance and have a good time go.  The tickets were only $5 each (I took advantage of the pre-sale).  It’s a really fun, really cheap way to spend a Saturday night with your significant other or group of friends!  It’s also a really fun way to feel like an Osprey, and get into the Stockton spirit.  You only get four years, so enjoy them!